Laundry PPE

The type of personal protective equipment (PPE) needed in the laundry depends on the risk assessment. Consider the risk of The likelihood of exposure to any blood or body fluid The volume of blood or body fluid likely to be encountered The possible route of transmission of an infectious organism The...

Understanding Laundry Chemicals

Effective disinfection and cleaning procedures are important in preventing new infections in the residential aged care facility. This is particularly vital when dealing with contaminated laundry. Bedding, clothes, privacy curtains, and other textiles usually carry pathogens, which can pose health risks to residents, employees and visitors when not properly handled....

Clean Laundry Work Flow

To ensure that clean laundry does not become contaminated, the laundry room is divided into a 'clean zone' and a 'dirty zone'. It is essential to ensure that clean laundry stays in the designated 'clean zone' and does not come into contact with any trolleys or equipment used for soiled...

Using Washing Machines and Dryers

All washing machines and dryers used in the delivery of laundry services should meet the requirements of Australian and New Zealand laundry standards.  Material data sheets, instructions and operational manuals for all laundry equipment are to be available. Wash Formula Records Wash formula records must be kept for each wash...

Laundry Disinfection

Disinfection is a process that eliminates many or all pathogenic microorganisms, except bacterial spores, on inanimate objects. Disinfection can be accomplished by several means, including heat and chemicals. The antimicrobial action of the laundering process is the outcome of a combination of mechanical, thermal and chemical processes. Thermal To destroy bacteria...

Setting Up the Laundry

Laundry Environment The laundry must have two clearly designated zones: dirty and clean. Two doorways should be available, with dirty laundry entering through one door to the dirty area and clean laundry exiting through the other door at the end of the clean area. If the environment structure does not allow...