Post-Outbreak Debriefing

Once an outbreak has been declared to be cleared or over, it is important that a full debrief of the event is undertaken. As normal operations return, reflect on the response to the outbreak and undertake a review of how the outbreak management practices could be improved.  In order to...

Principles of Outbreak Management

Outbreak management control measures are to be implemented in consultation with the outbreak coordinator, outbreak management team, the infection and prevention control lead, and advice from local public health authorities. Individual national, state, and territory legislation must be followed. Standard and transmission-based precautions  Standard plus appropriate transmission-based precautions are to...

Outbreak Investigation and Management

Outbreak investigation will confirm that there is an outbreak, ensure the infecting organism is correctly diagnosed, and a case definition is established and tracked to who is infected and who is at risk. Outbreak management from the investigation will ensure correct infection control practices are in place, help with communicating...

What is an Outbreak

Outbreaks within residential aged care facilities are common and can cause considerable complications, distress, increased hospitalisations, and mortality.  An outbreak may be described as an increase in the normal or expected level of healthcare-associated infection within a residential aged care facility.  An outbreak may be defined as   An occurrence of more...

Outbreak Hospital Transfers

There may be times when the medical management of a resident requires transfer from the residential care facility to an acute care facility during an outbreak. When the transfer of a resident occurs it is essential to advise the receiving acute care facility, and the patient transport or ambulance service,...

Outbreak Equipment/Kit

Each residential aged care facility should have an outbreak kit available in preparation for and when an outbreak occurs. All relevant employees should know where the kit/equipment is stored, including after-hours employees, as an outbreak may occur at any time. If items for the kit are in more than one...