Contact Precautions

What is it?  Contact is the most common transmission mode and usually involves transmission by touch or contact with blood or bodily substances.  Contact may be direct or indirect Direct contact occurs when infectious agents are transferred from one person to another. For example, a resident's blood enters a healthcare...

Applying Transmission-Based Precautions

When an infection or potential risk has been identified, a risk assessment should be completed to assist with identifying precautions to be implemented. The risk assessment should be regularly reviewed and updated, and precautions adjusted, if necessary, during the infectious period. These additional precautions should be tailored to the infectious...

Droplet Precautions

What is it? Droplet transmission can occur when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks allowing droplets to be transferred to others. Droplets are infectious particles larger than 5 microns in size. Respiratory droplets transmit infection when they travel directly from the respiratory tract of the infected person to susceptible...

Care of Body after Death

Some bacteria and viruses can still be active in the body after death. This means that if any infected body fluids come into contact with a person and find a way to enter their body, such as through a break in the skin or the mouth or nasal cavity, then...

Decontaminating Isolation Rooms

When isolation procedures are no longer required, the cleaning employees are to be notified, and the isolation room is to be deep-cleaned. The principle of cleaning from top to bottom must always be followed Where present, arrange for the replacement of the air-conditioning filter When all cleaning is complete, an inspection...

Preparing Isolation Rooms

Isolation of a resident needs to be initiated promptly as soon as the need is recognised or suspected. Notify the manager or nominated person in charge when A resident is suspected of having an infection or infectious disease A risk assessment needs to be done to determine IP&C management Employee...