Outbreak Management Plan

Every aged care facility should have an outbreak management plan that clearly outlines what to do and who to contact in an outbreak. Residential aged care facilities may need a unique outbreak management plan due to organisational structure, environment, and legislation variations.    The Outbreak Management Plan should be Documented...

Outbreak PPE

Outbreaks require a combination of personal protective equipment (PPE) for transmission-based precautions depending on the route of transmission of the infectious agent involved.   PPE May Include   Gloves Surgical or high-filtration masks  Eyewear or face shields Waterproof aprons or long sleeve gowns PPE In Isolation Rooms  Identify correct transmission-based...

Outbreak Preparation

Preparation strategies must be in place before an outbreak occurs to ensure a quick and timely response to contain and reduce transmission. Preparation strategies help guide employees to the immediate responses required in an outbreak and take some of the stress out of a stressful situation.  Outbreak Management Plan Ensure...

Outbreak Management Education

Educate all employees in outbreak management to ensure awareness of their role if an outbreak occurs. The identification of an outbreak may appear on any day of the week and at any time. Suggested inclusions for outbreak management education Defining an outbreak Signs and symptoms of common outbreak types Standard...

Visitor Access During an Outbreak

During outbreaks, while stringent infection control measures are necessary, it is crucial to recognise the significant benefits that continued visitor access can bring to the lives of residents, especially when other activities may be restricted. As part of outbreak planning, discuss options for visiting with the resident and their family/whānau so...

Notifiable Diseases

All notifications are to be directed to the relevant local public health unit (PHU) or equivalent. Infectious disease notifications are to be made as soon as the notifiable disease has been identified. Keep informed of any changes via Australia's National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS) or the New Zealand Ministry of Health....