Outbreak Cleaning Equipment

Cleaners will need to use specified equipment in an outbreak. Color-Coded Equipment Clean isolation rooms, transmissible disease areas, and infectious areas with yellow equipment only. This includes mops, buckets, cleaning cloths, and microfibre cleaning equipment. All necessary equipment for standard and transmission-based precautions must be available on the cleaning trolley....

Healthcare Workers Cleaning Responsibilities

Healthcare workers assist in the outbreak cleaning process and must ensure the preparation of terminal cleaning of the isolation room for the cleaner. The outbreak cleaning process occurs following the withdrawal of infection control isolation precautions or a resident's transfer, death, or discharge.  The Process Wear transmission-based PPE appropriate to...

Outbreak Cleaning PPE

The type of personal protective equipment (PPE) needed in outbreak cleaning will depend on the risk assessment. Consider The Risk The likelihood of exposure to any blood or body fluid The volume of blood or body fluid likely to be encountered The possible route of transmission The type of exposure...

Outbreak Cleaning Management

Outbreak cleaning management is the responsibility of the nominated person overseeing cleaning duties, i.e., the facility manager, the care manager, the RN, or the IPC lead.  They will notify and manage the cleaning employees in an outbreak.  Outbreak Management During an outbreak, increased cleaning frequency and ongoing cleaning efficiency need...

Cleaning Norovirus Outbreak

Cleaning requirements in a norovirus outbreak includes PPE Required Gloves Mask  Plastic or waterproof gown Face shield or eye protection Equipment Detergents and disinfectants - chlorine is the recommended disinfectant during a norovirus outbreak  A steam cleaner for soft furnishings   Disposable mops and or cloths for cleaning vomit and...

Cleaning RSV Outbreak Management

Cleaning requirements in an RSV outbreak include PPE Required  Gloves N95/P2 respirator mask Disposable long-sleeve gown Face shield or eye protection Handwashing instead of hand sanitising  Equipment  Detergents and disinfectants  Use only cleaning items and equipment designated YELLOW for cleaning the isolation rooms NB: The residential aged care facility will provide a...