COVID-19 Vaccination

What is it? Most people infected with COVID-19 experience mild or moderate symptoms. Fever and cough are the most commonly reported symptoms.    However, in more severe cases, breathing difficulties are reported, and COVID-19 can develop into pneumonia.   The original COVID-19 virus has had many variants since it was...

Exclusion Periods for Acute Infections

What is it? The overarching principle for exclusion periods is that employees should not come to work if they have signs or symptoms of a potentially infectious disease.  Any employee who has an infectious disease has a responsibility to Consult with an appropriate medical practitioner to determine that they can perform...

Influenza Vaccination

What is Influenza? Influenza is a common vaccine-preventable disease. Although it can be a mild disease, it can also cause very serious illness in otherwise healthy people.  Influenza can require hospitalisation and can cause death. Healthcare workers can be a key cause of outbreaks in a variety of healthcare settings, including...

Medical Conditions Affecting Susceptibility

What is it? Sometimes employees will have or develop conditions that make them more susceptible to infections.  Facilities need to assist employees who experience circumstances that place them at greater risk of infection by developing management plans that ensure their well-being. Where a healthcare worker is known to be particularly...