Treatment of Bed Bugs

If your resident has bites or an allergic response to a bed bug infestation Assess and monitor for pain Administer medications to relieve symptoms if prescribed Keep the skin clean and dry to avoid a secondary skin infection Educate on avoiding scratching, as the bites will heal faster Keep resident's...

Treatment of Oral Thrush

If an oral thrush infection has been identified   Assess and monitor for pain and mouth discomfort Administer medication if prescribed by the doctor Encourage the resident to rinse their mouth with saline solution every two hours Examine the mucous membrane of the resident for integrity   Treatment Antifungal medication...

Treatment of MPox

If Mpox is suspected, inform the Registered Nurse Isolate Assess and monitor for pain Monitor vitals Inform the Doctor and arrange a medical review Administer medications as prescribed Encourage fluids and nutrition Clean, dress, and protect the skin lesions to minimise the risk of bacterial contamination and promote healing  ...

Treatment of Wound Infections

If a wound infection has been identified Assess pain Provide pain relief if required Administer medications to relieve symptoms, if required and prescribed Determine the size, depth, and location of the damaged tissue  A wound's type and characteristics, as well as the wound's odour and drainage, should be determined  Clean...